Go on. Indulge. (as I did. ^_^)
As I find downloading zipped files more convenient, Ill be listing all sites offering zipped files only.
They are arranged according to the order of my download. I'll be sorting the list out later and try to provide a more orderly list.
- Pikanchi Double A to Z by
- Arashi ga Haru no Arashi o Yobu concert (2001) pamphlet by
- Hero/Hitomi no naka no Galaxy CD cover by
- Arashi Photobook - Work is Hard dakedo by
To you guys whose sites are listed up there and somehow got lost and found your way in here:
Honto ni arigato gozaimasu!
Thanks for sharing it with us. I do understand that scanning takes time especially if you're
scanning a photobooklet with hundreds of pages. (that fall off after being scanned.lol)
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