Blog Rehaul

I've been meaning to change this blog's layout... But I don't have the time... I do have some time but I need more just so I can study more about how I can change it. I know some stuff but I definitely need more knowledge, I guess... And every time I start, there's always a new show to pull me away from it. So this post is going to be a constant reminder of what I'm planning to do...

1) I'd like to make a banner that'd wow me... hehe... I've seen several banners that swept me off my feet... I think the best one I've seen <-- hers.
I'm inspired to create one myself but I don't think I have the skills to do so... Anyway, Christmas vacation is fast approaching and I have a lot of free time then. Enough time for me to come up with a good idea and gather much information on how I can pull it off.
2) I'd want a nav bar that'd wow me... lolz...

-- I need to go... I'll do this later...

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