うわ。。。 本当 に さびしいくなっちゃった な~。。。
嵐 の 10周年 記念 コンサート へ 行きたい の に。。。
お金 が ないし。。。
時間 も ないし。。。
あたし は 日本 に 住んでないし。。。
こまった な~。。。
嵐 の 15周年 を 見たい!
だから ファン として、 がんばります!
嵐 の こと を いつも support する つもり です。。。
そう 言えば。。。
5X10 の CLIPS を 買いました。
楽しみに!!! <3<3<3
ニノ の ”Tears in Heaven" を 見ました。
やっぱり、 ニノ は いい 役者 だ と 思う よ。。。
なんか、 その 1時間 の ドラマ で、
ののがみ 先生 の こと しか 見えなかった。。。
ニノ じゃなかった。。。
その ドラマ より、 ”Door to Door"が 好き です。
松潤 の ”Myu の あんよ パパ に 上げる”って いう ドラマ も 好き。。。
その 二人 は、 やっぱ、 日本 の 一番 役者 だ と 思う。。。 ほかにも いる けど。。。
松潤 と ニノ は すごい な と 思ってる。。。
ニノさん! ”Tears in Heaven"って いう ドラマ で、 おめでとう!
私 は ね、 ニノの ドラマ を 見た 後。。。
いつも うれしくなる。。。
October 2009 - [Ohno] It's been a full 10 years... and more...

Scans by:
DL link: Here
I often hear people say that Arashi's gotten really popular, but honestly, it's still not sinking in. Even though we've done an Asian tour, I'm still wondering how people from other countries know of our existence.I've been thinking about that. I haven't confirmed why the CDs keep on selling either. I'm happy but up until now, it remains a mystery.
Every time the 5 of us are together, the atmosphere's still the same as before. Individually, we are doing our own stuff. Whenever I look at our faces, I can't help but think that though we're still the same people as before, we've matured a lot. But no one's getting conscious about it (in a weird kind of way). Generally, what has changed... What do you mean? Like for example, that I've become conceited?笑
We used to have our concerts in arenas, then later on, we held them at domes and the national stadium. The number of people who went was different. But I don't really remember such things. 笑 While doing this year's national concert, I was also filming a drama so it felt like the concert passed by like a blur. I used to feel that once a concert starts, it's endless. Now, we're doing a concert at the national stadium once again, and I feel like it's going to pass by just like that. Such a waste, huh? I want this year's concert to properly sink in to me.
Though we're the only ones on stage, everyone (including the audience) is involved in making a concert. Everyone plays the lead role. That's why I think it's best to show more of our audience, like for example, in the concert DVDs. With everyone's cooperation, let's all make this year's concert(s) a success! All 5 of us brought that out during one of our meetings and it's being processed.
Whenever I look back at those 10 years, it's been a full 10 years. I'm glad to be a member of Arashi. If I wasn't a part of Arashi, I don't know if I would have come this far, I don't have the confidence. Last year, I was given the chance to act as the lead character in a drama series. I've also been given the chance to play the lead character in a couple of stage plays. In the beginning, if I do something on my own, and not as a member of Arashi, I feel a different sense of responsibility being put on my shoulders. But all the worries have disappeared. Maybe because I have stopped thinking about what the people around me are saying and I've started thinking whether I could satisfy myself with the work that I do. I'm not saying that I've become too carefree about my work, I think I just learned how to do things in my own pace. It's experience. Though I fail at times, I'll just say "I'll do it this way" the next time and so that sort of adds up to the confidence I have in myself.
It's an interesting thing to get to know people I won't normally meet. (Drama staff included). Like in "Maou", I felt happy when everyone said it was great to do it with me. That was the happiest moment I had then. I also felt great that I did "Maou". The next one I had was "Uta no Oniisan" which was lighter than Maou but... the costume was so heavy! 笑 It was the time I really wanted to go fishing, it was inevitable you know.
What changed during those 10 years? Fishing! I can't stop anymore. I'll do this until the end you know! I've tried to avoid getting sunburned , I've put on sunblock, I've worn a hat but I still get burnt! One time, we recorded a song in front of a live audience. That day, I was extraordinarily dark! Someone from the audience who was seated at the front row looked at me with a "Please think a bit more seriously!" face. I was thinking, it'd be great if she didn't do that face. Then, she didn't look my way anymore. I seriously thought things over. But it's okay. I'd love to go fishing but I'm about to busy myself with crafts. I'm planning to draw a huge drawing. I also want to do other things, widen the scope of my hobbies. I also want to add 1 more thing to my interests... Errr... No good?! I won't! Coz I want to do better as a member of Arashi.
Whew it was a long article to translate but it was worth it.
Ohno's Message to Nino
Original Uploader: Caramelbox
DL site: arashixdream
Taken from Wink-up's (October issue) message board:
To Nino... I went to watch your play. It was so exciting that I thought of going up the stage!
DL site: arashixdream
Taken from Wink-up's (October issue) message board:
To Nino... I went to watch your play. It was so exciting that I thought of going up the stage!
Nino: No more magic?
Lately, what made you say "Aaa! I feel rejuvenated!"
I wonder what that would be... I think it's when I talk to people I like about the stuff I want. For example? Games... great right? When I talk to people who love games about games. That'd be amazing! Can someone get rejuvenated from that? You mean during the time when work gets tough and I need power? I sleep! That's the best form of rejuvenation right? During those times, I'll just tire myself more if I met up with people. I'm not really a massage or an onsen type of person.
What did you do recently that made you happy?
I wonder what would it be... I really wonder... (Asks the people who were around. Then a staff says something about an interesting thing she/he saw on TV)... That! That's what's called happiness! Happiness can be found there. It makes you say "Tomorrow, I'll do my best!"... Huh? Me?! You meant me? What makes me happy? If you ask me... games! Again! A conversation about games. There ain't no other choice. Right now, you have no other choice. But, you know, when I play games, I have lots of fun. It makes me think "I'll do my best tomorrow!". You know... Oh! Wait! I just became a ranger! (Referring to his character in the game). Right now, when I get past a very difficult part in this game, I become really happy! I go like "Yosha!" or "Yatta!". Look! (Points to the game console's screen) Even though I'm fully equipped, once I enter a new stage, I go back to being weaponless and must start from that state again. From this point, I'll say "I'll do my best!" again. That sort of thing. To become what I want to be, this is the price I've got to pay. It's severe... Even in the world of games. Yes, yes... It's true. It's also difficult.
Can you share with us some stuff about your live concerts?
That's the time when we directly feel the love given to us by our fans through their voices. That's our source of rejuvenation. What do you call this... That's why we also want the audience to feel the same. We want them to feel rejuvenated to their heart's content. Arashi will rejuvenate them. I love concerts that make everyone say "Tomorrow, let's do our best!" and concerts that make people think "I'm glad that I went!". It's a great concert if that's the case. We aren't doing live performances to be 'heard', we do it to be 'seen'. Enjoying it with everyone makes the excitement rise! That's the best way to do it, right? It takes months to make that (image) possible. The power of the audience is amazing! And I'd like to give that love back. I also want you to love me more.
**First thing that comes to mind: Games?! Again? But... Nino's a very intelligent person. I'd interpret his interview as this:
He was comparing himself to his character. Arashi's 10th year would be a new level for them. I think, I hope Nino thinks the same, it's important to treat a new level like you've started anew. Challenge yourself and be that person you want to be (Even though you've already become that person that you wanted to be.) Life is about moving forward and challenging yourself to do your best everyday.
ニノ の とおり に。。。
明日 も がんばろう!!! **
I wonder what that would be... I think it's when I talk to people I like about the stuff I want. For example? Games... great right? When I talk to people who love games about games. That'd be amazing! Can someone get rejuvenated from that? You mean during the time when work gets tough and I need power? I sleep! That's the best form of rejuvenation right? During those times, I'll just tire myself more if I met up with people. I'm not really a massage or an onsen type of person.
What did you do recently that made you happy?
I wonder what would it be... I really wonder... (Asks the people who were around. Then a staff says something about an interesting thing she/he saw on TV)... That! That's what's called happiness! Happiness can be found there. It makes you say "Tomorrow, I'll do my best!"... Huh? Me?! You meant me? What makes me happy? If you ask me... games! Again! A conversation about games. There ain't no other choice. Right now, you have no other choice. But, you know, when I play games, I have lots of fun. It makes me think "I'll do my best tomorrow!". You know... Oh! Wait! I just became a ranger! (Referring to his character in the game). Right now, when I get past a very difficult part in this game, I become really happy! I go like "Yosha!" or "Yatta!". Look! (Points to the game console's screen) Even though I'm fully equipped, once I enter a new stage, I go back to being weaponless and must start from that state again. From this point, I'll say "I'll do my best!" again. That sort of thing. To become what I want to be, this is the price I've got to pay. It's severe... Even in the world of games. Yes, yes... It's true. It's also difficult.
Can you share with us some stuff about your live concerts?
That's the time when we directly feel the love given to us by our fans through their voices. That's our source of rejuvenation. What do you call this... That's why we also want the audience to feel the same. We want them to feel rejuvenated to their heart's content. Arashi will rejuvenate them. I love concerts that make everyone say "Tomorrow, let's do our best!" and concerts that make people think "I'm glad that I went!". It's a great concert if that's the case. We aren't doing live performances to be 'heard', we do it to be 'seen'. Enjoying it with everyone makes the excitement rise! That's the best way to do it, right? It takes months to make that (image) possible. The power of the audience is amazing! And I'd like to give that love back. I also want you to love me more.
**First thing that comes to mind: Games?! Again? But... Nino's a very intelligent person. I'd interpret his interview as this:
He was comparing himself to his character. Arashi's 10th year would be a new level for them. I think, I hope Nino thinks the same, it's important to treat a new level like you've started anew. Challenge yourself and be that person you want to be (Even though you've already become that person that you wanted to be.) Life is about moving forward and challenging yourself to do your best everyday.
ニノ の とおり に。。。
明日 も がんばろう!!! **
Ohno & Sho: Who had a better view of the fireworks? And more...
What was the most recent activity you had that made you say "Aaaah! I feel rejuvenated!"?
Sho: Just the other day, I went to a fireworks convention. There was a time when I went to Osaka for the Tenjin Festival. Ohno and I bumped into each other! I think since then, I wasn't able to watch any fireworks display anymore. Well, it wasn't a a complete rejuvenation either but I watched the fireworks display from a friend's house.
Ohno: I saw it too you know! It was right in front of the aqua line while I was on my way home (from fishing).
Sho: Really? But I was in an apartment near the place where they were launching those fireworks. So I think I had a more direct view of it.
Ohno: No! I was so close that it was already absolutely hard to look at. I also had a lot of fish to take home so I think I was luckier that time!
Sho: No, no... I was eating steak then while watching so I think I was in a better position.
Ohno: I was also eating the fish I got. My stomach was full too!
Sho: Damn it! I can't compete with that!
Ohno: That day, I was the happiest man alive.
Sho: Of course, you went fishing, then you ate the fish you got, plus you watched the fireworks. Definitely a whole day of rejuvenation.
Ohno: Right? And I was also under the sun so I literally got recharged.
Sho: Of course, doing the things you really like with the people who are close to you is fun. Just the other day, together with some friends... 6-7 people all in all... We went to eat barbecue and then went to a karaoke bar afterwards. After the karaoke, we went to a soba restaurant. Those aren't special things but it was really fun!
Ohno: Definitely! I can't have fun by going fishing alone!
Sho: Yeah, imagine going by boat alone, then start fishing alone, eat the fish alone... That ain't rejuvenation, right?! That's survival...
Is it true that what keeps you going is the energy that you get from the fans?
Sho: Of course! We experience the extreme during concerts. Isn't it overwhelming? When the audience's energy level falls, that moment, our energy level drops too.
Ohno: That's the most "This is it!" moment. I think Arashi and all the fans feel the same sensations.
Sho: While the fans are getting excited, we are also getting excited. During rehearsals, when I pretend that the fans are already in front of me, I feel my excitement shooting up! But other than that, even those that don't come from fans make me happy... Like people I meet along the street who say "I saw Himitsu no Arashichan! Sakuraikun, please do your best!"... I feel happy.
Ohno: O! I also have one... Someone said "Riida, are you okay?"
Sho: For them to say that, it means they're watching our shows. That's why I'm so happy. I'm happy with the fact that people know my name. Before, was it in Osaka? Someone said "Hey, hey... You... Who are you?". When I remember that time, I realize how wonderful it is for people to know stuff starting from our names down to the details of our shows. (Trust me, Sho... you'd be a hundred times more surprised once you get to know your fangirls! They know you better than you know yourself. ^^,)
Ohno: The other day, I was mistaken as you Sho. There was this drunk man who came to me and said "Oh! Yattaman!"
Sho: Arashi = Yattaman, that sort of thing right? I also wanted someone to come up to me and say "I watched Maou.". I'll reply "Thank you very much, I'll let him know." (Let Ohno know). But it isn't about the volume of the cheers... It's about the fact that people know that we exist and that people watch our shows (again you'll be surprised once you find out how many gaijins/foreigners watch your shows!) That's what encourages us more.
Anyway, was there something that happened just recently that gave you power?
Sho: When I bought an electric fan. It was great. I had a very pleasant sleep. It's refreshing, yeah, but more than that I love the sound that it makes... It's nostalgic. It reminds me of my grandparents' house. Shall I give you an electric fan on your birthday.
Ohno: No, I'm fine. It's already winter on my birthday. Me, I'm planning to draw a huge painting. I bought a huge board.
Sho: O! It's been a long time isn't it? What are you planning to do now?
Ohno: I wanna make it detailed. (Fine)
Sho: You're a Do-M right?
Ohno: I've always thought of myself as an M (Masochist). Recently though, I thought "Am I not a Do-S (Sadist)?". Coz I punish myself. I punish myself but I can't tolerate it either. So I'm an SM then?!
Sho: The one and only SM! That's Ohno's power right now.
*End note: I loved how Sho answered this interview.

It just shows how deep and intelligent he is. Plus all the words that come out from his mouth are sensible.
Ohno and Sho's fight was funny. I loved it.
Sho: Just the other day, I went to a fireworks convention. There was a time when I went to Osaka for the Tenjin Festival. Ohno and I bumped into each other! I think since then, I wasn't able to watch any fireworks display anymore. Well, it wasn't a a complete rejuvenation either but I watched the fireworks display from a friend's house.
Ohno: I saw it too you know! It was right in front of the aqua line while I was on my way home (from fishing).
Sho: Really? But I was in an apartment near the place where they were launching those fireworks. So I think I had a more direct view of it.
Ohno: No! I was so close that it was already absolutely hard to look at. I also had a lot of fish to take home so I think I was luckier that time!
Sho: No, no... I was eating steak then while watching so I think I was in a better position.
Ohno: I was also eating the fish I got. My stomach was full too!
Sho: Damn it! I can't compete with that!
Ohno: That day, I was the happiest man alive.
Sho: Of course, you went fishing, then you ate the fish you got, plus you watched the fireworks. Definitely a whole day of rejuvenation.
Ohno: Right? And I was also under the sun so I literally got recharged.
Sho: Of course, doing the things you really like with the people who are close to you is fun. Just the other day, together with some friends... 6-7 people all in all... We went to eat barbecue and then went to a karaoke bar afterwards. After the karaoke, we went to a soba restaurant. Those aren't special things but it was really fun!
Ohno: Definitely! I can't have fun by going fishing alone!
Sho: Yeah, imagine going by boat alone, then start fishing alone, eat the fish alone... That ain't rejuvenation, right?! That's survival...
Is it true that what keeps you going is the energy that you get from the fans?
Sho: Of course! We experience the extreme during concerts. Isn't it overwhelming? When the audience's energy level falls, that moment, our energy level drops too.
Ohno: That's the most "This is it!" moment. I think Arashi and all the fans feel the same sensations.
Sho: While the fans are getting excited, we are also getting excited. During rehearsals, when I pretend that the fans are already in front of me, I feel my excitement shooting up! But other than that, even those that don't come from fans make me happy... Like people I meet along the street who say "I saw Himitsu no Arashichan! Sakuraikun, please do your best!"... I feel happy.
Ohno: O! I also have one... Someone said "Riida, are you okay?"
Sho: For them to say that, it means they're watching our shows. That's why I'm so happy. I'm happy with the fact that people know my name. Before, was it in Osaka? Someone said "Hey, hey... You... Who are you?". When I remember that time, I realize how wonderful it is for people to know stuff starting from our names down to the details of our shows. (Trust me, Sho... you'd be a hundred times more surprised once you get to know your fangirls! They know you better than you know yourself. ^^,)
Ohno: The other day, I was mistaken as you Sho. There was this drunk man who came to me and said "Oh! Yattaman!"
Sho: Arashi = Yattaman, that sort of thing right? I also wanted someone to come up to me and say "I watched Maou.". I'll reply "Thank you very much, I'll let him know." (Let Ohno know). But it isn't about the volume of the cheers... It's about the fact that people know that we exist and that people watch our shows (again you'll be surprised once you find out how many gaijins/foreigners watch your shows!) That's what encourages us more.
Anyway, was there something that happened just recently that gave you power?
Sho: When I bought an electric fan. It was great. I had a very pleasant sleep. It's refreshing, yeah, but more than that I love the sound that it makes... It's nostalgic. It reminds me of my grandparents' house. Shall I give you an electric fan on your birthday.
Ohno: No, I'm fine. It's already winter on my birthday. Me, I'm planning to draw a huge painting. I bought a huge board.
Sho: O! It's been a long time isn't it? What are you planning to do now?
Ohno: I wanna make it detailed. (Fine)
Sho: You're a Do-M right?
Ohno: I've always thought of myself as an M (Masochist). Recently though, I thought "Am I not a Do-S (Sadist)?". Coz I punish myself. I punish myself but I can't tolerate it either. So I'm an SM then?!
Sho: The one and only SM! That's Ohno's power right now.
*End note: I loved how Sho answered this interview.
It just shows how deep and intelligent he is. Plus all the words that come out from his mouth are sensible.
Ohno and Sho's fight was funny. I loved it.
一番 ’お父さん’?
嵐 の 中 で、 誰 が いい お父さん に なる と 思います か? (文法 は ちょっと おかしい ね? ごめん ね。。。)
HnA を 見た ばかり です けど。。。
で、 ゲスト は Inoue Maouさん でした。
意外 と Maouちゃん と Nino は いい 仲 が ある の?
松潤 より。。。 Nino と いい 仲 が ある。。。
ちょっと びっくりした。
ドラマ SP が ある から かも しれない けど
潤 と 一緒 に HYD を やってた でしょう?
HYD って いう ドラマ は、 何年間 に やってた?
わかんない。。。 (^_^)
それ で、 Maouちゃん が ”Nino は いい お父さん に なる と 思う”と いってた。。。
私 も そう 思います よ。。。
HnA の ”Child Minder" の ころ から、 そう いう 感じ が 見た。。。
Nino が すごい 好き です ね!
めちゃ めちゃ 好き!
いい おっと より いい お父さん が ほしい。。。
子供 を まもってあげる お父さん が いい と 思う ね。
子供 と 遊んだり、
テレビ を 見たり、
スポーツ を したり、
旅 に 行ったり、
趣味 を したり
する お父さん が いい ね?


HnA を 見た ばかり です けど。。。
で、 ゲスト は Inoue Maouさん でした。
意外 と Maouちゃん と Nino は いい 仲 が ある の?
松潤 より。。。 Nino と いい 仲 が ある。。。
ちょっと びっくりした。
ドラマ SP が ある から かも しれない けど
潤 と 一緒 に HYD を やってた でしょう?
HYD って いう ドラマ は、 何年間 に やってた?
わかんない。。。 (^_^)
それ で、 Maouちゃん が ”Nino は いい お父さん に なる と 思う”と いってた。。。
私 も そう 思います よ。。。
HnA の ”Child Minder" の ころ から、 そう いう 感じ が 見た。。。
Nino が すごい 好き です ね!
めちゃ めちゃ 好き!
いい おっと より いい お父さん が ほしい。。。
子供 を まもってあげる お父さん が いい と 思う ね。
子供 と 遊んだり、
テレビ を 見たり、
スポーツ を したり、
旅 に 行ったり、
趣味 を したり
する お父さん が いい ね?
今日 は 特別 な 日 です ね。。。
9月 の 19日 は。。。
嵐 の 誕生日 です!!!
うれしく なった!

おめでとう みんな!!!
11周年 へ 行きましょう!
嵐 が めちゃ めちゃ めちゃ 好き

嵐 大好き!
嵐 を 愛してる!
嵐 嵐 嵐。。。
9月 の 19日 は。。。
嵐 の 誕生日 です!!!
うれしく なった!
おめでとう みんな!!!
11周年 へ 行きましょう!
嵐 が めちゃ めちゃ めちゃ 好き
嵐 大好き!
嵐 を 愛してる!
嵐 嵐 嵐。。。
Table Of Contents
- More
- 2009-09: Nino, a good conversationalist
- 2009-10: Arashi's never changed
- 2009-10: Ohno-It's Been a Full 10 Years
- Only Star
- 2010-09: Ohno talks about his new solo, "Love Rainbow", new CM, and is friendship with his Kaibutsu-kun co-stars
- Duet
- 2010-11: Jun talks about their 2010 nationwide concert
- 2010-11: Nino talks about their 2010 nationwide concert
- 2010-11: Aiba talks about their 2010 nationwide concert
- 2010-11: Ohno talks about their 2010 nationwide concert
- 2010-11: Sho talks about their 2010 nationwide concert
- Myojo
- 2010-08: Jun - 5x100 Interview
- 2010-08: Nino - 5x100 Interview
- 2010-08: Sho - 5x100 Interview
- 2010-08: Aiba - 5x100 Interview
- 2010-08: Ohno - 5x100 Interview
- 2010-08: Let's Ask Ohno Satoshi!
- 2010-08: Let's Ask Sakurai Sho!
- 2010-08: Let's Ask Arashi!
*Note: List under construction. You can search for the other translations by using the "translation" keyword.
Wink Up - October 2009 - Jun & Aiba

Scans: Caramelbox (through arashixdream)
Can you share with us the most recent thing that you did and made you say "Aaah! I feel rejuvenated!"
Matsumoto: The other day, I went to Yakushima.
Aiba: I know that! He gave me a souvenir. It's an "Yakushiman" phone strap. Yakushima's great huh? It's quite hard to go there. Was it great?
Matsumoto: I spent my time carefree, it was great! It felt like an escape rather than rejuvenation. I had a great time! A... Aibasan, have you been to Yakushima?
Aiba: Huh?! Why the sudden superiority? I haven't. Where did you stay for the night?
Matsumoto: There were 2 hotels there. I stayed in one of them. That hotel's room had a spa in it! It was really great! It was a hotel on top of a cliff and the top-most floor's window had a very great view of the sea! It was seawater reaching as far as the eyes could see.
Aiba: That's amazing! Great huh?! What did you do? You went around site seeing?
Matsumoto: Most of the time I was in the forest, then I went to the beach. The rocky part on the seaside had an onsen so I went there. I also went to the swamp.
Aiba: That's great! This sounds like a summer vacation diary. Why did you decide to go? Was it because you wanted to have some time in private?
Matsumoto: Yeah. Private in every sense of the word! Together with some guy.
Aiba: Aaah... is that so?!
Matsumoto: When I got to the hotel, I was wondering why there were 2 beds. Then this guy said "There are 2 beds in here, what are we going to do?". It was definitely awkward!
That was about the all important relaxation time for Arashi and fans alike.
Please tell us something about your 10th anniversary concert tour.
Jun: I can't tell you guys the very important details of the concert yet. But Aiba looks he's having a hard time coz he's currently filming a drama, and he also has to attend the rehearsals, plus we also have to look at the stage we're going to perform on. It's hard.
Aiba: He's very thoughtful right? I can feel it. Like the other day, we had a meeting and we finished late. Jun spoke to me and said "Sorry coz we turned out late today".
Jun: Well... It was... it felt like it was going to take a miracle to wrap up early.
Aiba: But you know what, we were discussing it all the time. 10 years is something massive. We had to dive into the most minute details too. It was like our spirits went up, then crashed, then it went up again, and crashed again. Of course, we're trying to show everyone those 10 years right? It was pretty intense!
Jun: Yeah. We did it in a package but I think this is the most grueling concert prep we've ever had!
What do you have for the fans who have always been there to support you?
Aiba: Of course we're grateful. I feel nothing else but deep gratitude. Arashi was formed in 1999 so that makes us 10 years old. Pretty amazing right? Well, I've had moments where I forgot the dance steps to certain songs. Just the other day, I was dancing along to the video of "Nice no Kokoro Iki" then Matsujun came running towards me! He ran up to me and said "You're doing it the wrong way!" and then ran back to where he was originally.
Jun: I was looking at him practice then I thought "Huh?! Isn't he doing it the wrong way?".
Aiba: Yeah, yeah! I was doing it the same direction as that on the video! Jun came to me just to say that while he was in the middle of discussing something with the others. He said "Aiba's memorizing the wrong steps so I'll just go and tell him".
Jun: It was expected of him, to keep on dancing even if the steps were already wrong. Well, that's because he's got a lot in mind like we have this tour in line with his drama shooting. I was worried that he won't remember his steps because of that. But normally, even without those stuff in his mind... he also has a lot of mishaps! ^^,
Aiba: Oi! Every night, I stay at the studio to rehearse and polish my moves! I do that right?! What's more important to me you ask? Of course! The tour! My power goes up notches because of the fans' cheers! It feels like they're pushing me to go out there.
Jun: The excitement definitely shoots up. I can feel what they feel. The sensation's just awesome!
Aiba: That's our strength.
Jun: True. That's why I'm grateful. Now, I'd like to feel that power burst out of us. The reason why we've come this far is because of the undying support from the fans that we have. I think we owe our 10-year existence in this business to the fans. That period of time where we have fun with everyone is very important and to say that we're going to do this until the first month of next year, I'm really really happy.
Aiba: And that time's devoted for that purpose only, right? While we're doing our live performance.
Jun: That's true. We'll be facing the crowd a 100%, right? I think we don't do that elsewhere.
Aiba: Great times! I'm happy that we were able to have this tour. That's why, more than anything, I feel very grateful to those who came and watched.
Jun: I couldn't agree more. That's why we rehearse every night and really do our best, huh? Everyone, please look forward to our tour!
Wink Up - October 2009 - Translation
Before diving in, I wanna apologize
in advance for whatever mistakes I made in translating the article. But I wanna assure everyone who's reading this, I gave it my 150%.
Winkup, and I think all the major JE-featuring magazines have decided to feature the decade old but still very hot Jpop group Arashi -- and I have decided to translate some of them. Translating all is a far cry from reality but I'll try to do that.
Scans: Caramelbox (through arashixdream)
Translations are done by me.
Today’s pictorial will be held downtown and we’re going on a “yakatabune” boat ride.
Whenever I see a yakatabune, I remember Arashi’s “Pikanchi” days. **screencaps of that scene are provided below, after this part's translation**
It was only our 3rd year as Arashi then. It’s been 6 years! Wow!
We had the chance to get on a yakatabune just once coz everything from that (Pikanchi) scene was shot inside the studio. We only went on location for the dive scene.
For that scene, we rode a boat to the yakatabune and when we got to it, we only went as far as the pleasure boat's edge.
Now, finally after 6 years, I could go on a real yakatabune ride.
It’s been 6 years… But it feels like it went by so fast!
I think it’s amazing how that memory connects to this (yakatabune pictorial) chance given to me.
The very first article about me was done by Winkup. I can still remember that moment.
They made me sport a hairstyle that I’ve never tried before, they put make up on my jawline, they put my sweater on for me, and the stylist parted my hair with his/her hands.
After that, when I went to school, a girl classmate had a Winkup magazine with her. So when she saw me she said “I saw you!”. I’ve been exposed!
But there was a time when I didn’t appear in anything at all. I stayed in Kyouto for about 3 months to do “Kyo to Kyo”. Then there were also times that I didn’t have work. So when the next issue that featured me came up, they wrote something like “An appearance after a long time”.
But you know, ever since I became a part of Arashi, I’ve been featured every month! So every time I think about that, 10 years is an amazingly long span of time. (10 years, every month – that makes 120 issues with him + his pre-debut issues… amazing!)
In those 10 years, what things did I gain? What did I lose?
I think I lost the traits of being a Type A. Err… I’m getting rid of it. I was a type A when I started. I used to be a worrywart and I used to have a lot of insecurities.
I used to do things in a pretty steady pace and I also wanted everything to be clean and in perfect order. I think I’ve lost that!
Since when did I change huh?
I have no idea.
Maybe the transformation was brought about by experience, I’ve learned to be more confident about myself, and my way of thinking changed, didn’t it?
I, myself, realized that I changed a lot. When I think about how I was in the past, I’d ask myself “Why were you such a worry wart?! Why were you so insecure?”. Stupid, isn’t it? I think to myself.
That’s why I learned to relax more and be a little carefree. Well, I seem to have lost that Type A trait.About the thing that I gained… Didn’t I gain by losing that trait?
With regards to meeting people, I’ve met a lot of people in this world that I’m in.
I have been doing this job for 10 years already and in that span of time, I had the chance to do different things and meet a lot of people.
They were great encounters, nonetheless.
I’ve thought a lot about that, especially the most recent ones.
Like for example, I've had the chance to meet people such as the staff from my art exhibit, those from the stage plays and dramas I acted in… Until now, we go out and drink together.
It wasn’t just that. I think I also changed in that aspect.
Back in the old days, I didn’t get to know that much people.
It was a pretty rare occasion for me to go out and have fun with people from the business (same field of work). That’s because I didn’t want to.
Now, I realized how fun it is to do that. I’m taking everything with pleasure.
Every time I hear these people say “Let’s hang out again!”, I feel happy.
I feel very blessed to have found people who remained as my drinking buddies even after our work together has been over.
Yeah, those 10 years were great! The past 2-3 years passed by like a blur.
We’ll be celebrating our 10th year starting this August and all 5 of us will be continuing our nationwide tour until January next year (our 11th year). I’m looking forward to that! As we face our 11th year we’ll have a whole new bunch of memories.
What are my goals for our 11th year?
That would be… for me to relax more! I want to go simple. I wouldn’t make too much noise, that’s no good. I want to mellow down, and I’m going simple! I think that’d be the best thing to do.
- The End -
Here are the screencaps of that Pikanchi yakatabune scene Oh-chan was talking about (and more):

And the dive scene he was talking about. U-huh, they rode the yakatabune just to dive into the water. ^^, 

Thanks for reading! If you find something worth re-posting, quoting some parts is fine (please remember to link back) but please please please don't re-post the whole article. If you want to share this in a community or somewhere else, please provide this post's link instead. ^^,
Oh, and the watermark-free scans in better quality can be found here. I put the "Preview" watermark and resized the scans because they aren't mine. (And this is what I'm going to do with the rest of the articles that I'll be translating)
Winkup, and I think all the major JE-featuring magazines have decided to feature the decade old but still very hot Jpop group Arashi -- and I have decided to translate some of them. Translating all is a far cry from reality but I'll try to do that.
Scans: Caramelbox (through arashixdream)
Translations are done by me.
Oh-chan's "10th Anniversary Solo Scene"

Whenever I see a yakatabune, I remember Arashi’s “Pikanchi” days. **screencaps of that scene are provided below, after this part's translation**
It was only our 3rd year as Arashi then. It’s been 6 years! Wow!
We had the chance to get on a yakatabune just once coz everything from that (Pikanchi) scene was shot inside the studio. We only went on location for the dive scene.
For that scene, we rode a boat to the yakatabune and when we got to it, we only went as far as the pleasure boat's edge.
Now, finally after 6 years, I could go on a real yakatabune ride.
It’s been 6 years… But it feels like it went by so fast!
I think it’s amazing how that memory connects to this (yakatabune pictorial) chance given to me.
The very first article about me was done by Winkup. I can still remember that moment.
They made me sport a hairstyle that I’ve never tried before, they put make up on my jawline, they put my sweater on for me, and the stylist parted my hair with his/her hands.
After that, when I went to school, a girl classmate had a Winkup magazine with her. So when she saw me she said “I saw you!”. I’ve been exposed!
But there was a time when I didn’t appear in anything at all. I stayed in Kyouto for about 3 months to do “Kyo to Kyo”. Then there were also times that I didn’t have work. So when the next issue that featured me came up, they wrote something like “An appearance after a long time”.
But you know, ever since I became a part of Arashi, I’ve been featured every month! So every time I think about that, 10 years is an amazingly long span of time. (10 years, every month – that makes 120 issues with him + his pre-debut issues… amazing!)
In those 10 years, what things did I gain? What did I lose?
I think I lost the traits of being a Type A. Err… I’m getting rid of it. I was a type A when I started. I used to be a worrywart and I used to have a lot of insecurities.
I used to do things in a pretty steady pace and I also wanted everything to be clean and in perfect order. I think I’ve lost that!
Since when did I change huh?
I have no idea.
Maybe the transformation was brought about by experience, I’ve learned to be more confident about myself, and my way of thinking changed, didn’t it?
I, myself, realized that I changed a lot. When I think about how I was in the past, I’d ask myself “Why were you such a worry wart?! Why were you so insecure?”. Stupid, isn’t it? I think to myself.
That’s why I learned to relax more and be a little carefree. Well, I seem to have lost that Type A trait.About the thing that I gained… Didn’t I gain by losing that trait?
With regards to meeting people, I’ve met a lot of people in this world that I’m in.
I have been doing this job for 10 years already and in that span of time, I had the chance to do different things and meet a lot of people.
They were great encounters, nonetheless.
I’ve thought a lot about that, especially the most recent ones.
Like for example, I've had the chance to meet people such as the staff from my art exhibit, those from the stage plays and dramas I acted in… Until now, we go out and drink together.
It wasn’t just that. I think I also changed in that aspect.
Back in the old days, I didn’t get to know that much people.
It was a pretty rare occasion for me to go out and have fun with people from the business (same field of work). That’s because I didn’t want to.
Now, I realized how fun it is to do that. I’m taking everything with pleasure.
Every time I hear these people say “Let’s hang out again!”, I feel happy.
I feel very blessed to have found people who remained as my drinking buddies even after our work together has been over.
Yeah, those 10 years were great! The past 2-3 years passed by like a blur.
We’ll be celebrating our 10th year starting this August and all 5 of us will be continuing our nationwide tour until January next year (our 11th year). I’m looking forward to that! As we face our 11th year we’ll have a whole new bunch of memories.
What are my goals for our 11th year?
That would be… for me to relax more! I want to go simple. I wouldn’t make too much noise, that’s no good. I want to mellow down, and I’m going simple! I think that’d be the best thing to do.
- The End -
Here are the screencaps of that Pikanchi yakatabune scene Oh-chan was talking about (and more):
Here's how a yakatabune looks like. In Pikanchi, they all agreed that they'd never ride one coz they hated how the 'salary men' and 'office ladies' turn into some crazy lunatics once they get on the 'pleasure boat'.

And the 'oishii' (yummy) err... excuse me.. I meant the 'oshiri' (butt) display..

Here's Ohno's stockinged face, 6 years ago. Apparently, the scene inside the boat was taken in a studio. So this was taken inside the studio.

Oh, and the watermark-free scans in better quality can be found here. I put the "Preview" watermark and resized the scans because they aren't mine. (And this is what I'm going to do with the rest of the articles that I'll be translating)
島 歌
島 歌 って 言う 曲 を 歌って ほしい。
似合う か な?
今 は、 その 曲 は 私 の 一番 好き な 歌 です。
Jpop な 「島 歌」。。。 面白くない?
ジャニス の 中 で、 誰 でも いい です が。。。
もちろん、 嵐 の version を 聞きたい。
(あっ、 この 歌 は、 Kinki Kids が うたちゃった。。。古い どもと 兄弟 の episode で。。。
わかってる。。。 「島 歌」 は 歌いにくい。。。 でも POP に したら、 かんたん に なる と 思う。。。
似合う か な?
今 は、 その 曲 は 私 の 一番 好き な 歌 です。
Jpop な 「島 歌」。。。 面白くない?
ジャニス の 中 で、 誰 でも いい です が。。。
もちろん、 嵐 の version を 聞きたい。
(あっ、 この 歌 は、 Kinki Kids が うたちゃった。。。古い どもと 兄弟 の episode で。。。
わかってる。。。 「島 歌」 は 歌いにくい。。。 でも POP に したら、 かんたん に なる と 思う。。。
Arashi no Shukudai-kun 09/07/09
Here's a screencap spam from AnS 09/07/09
Screencaps from a Gacchapin Clubbox Video

They were wearing the "8-bit Shirt" Aiba was selling to the guest. The front of the shirt had a black strip of something with hearts and the hearts lit up as they walked closer to each other. Juntoshi~~

And of course, they didn't let Sho get away with this. They know he doesn't like exercises involving balance and flexibilty so they made him do it with Oh-chan. One false move and they would have ended up kissing. haha
Screencaps from a Gacchapin Clubbox Video

They were wearing the "8-bit Shirt" Aiba was selling to the guest. The front of the shirt had a black strip of something with hearts and the hearts lit up as they walked closer to each other. Juntoshi~~

Another Juntoshi 

It was supposed to be a child on top but there were no children so it had to be one of them right? Jun and Ohno played Janken to determine who'll be the 'child' here.
And Shoxohno

And Shoxohno

And of course, they didn't let Sho get away with this. They know he doesn't like exercises involving balance and flexibilty so they made him do it with Oh-chan. One false move and they would have ended up kissing. haha
Manequin 5: Summer Games Outfit
Nakajima: Do you wear t-shirts often?
Everyone: Yeah, of course we do!
Sho: Before this, we've worn and coordinated different stuff like accessories right? And I was often left unsold. Those were difficult but choosing just one piece of clothing was pretty difficult too.
Matsuhima: Yeah. How would you make a piece of shirt look stylish, right?
Sho: Right. Right!
Matsuhima: Like through color coordination right?
Nakajima: Ohno seems like a shirt type of guy.
Ohno: I'm a t-shirt kind of guy.
Sho: He often wears a shirt with "FM Yokohama" written on it.

Nakajima: Here's Mannequin Sho's summer games shirt!

Matsushima: What kind of symbol is that?
Sho: This is a Jamaican greeting meaning "One big family". It means everyon's like brothers.
Nakajima: O! You mean that!
Matsushima: Like E.T.'s (pointing the finger when he says 'E.T. phone home)
Sho: This is for someone who likes Jamaica or loves music.
Matsushima: Today, that'd probably work.
Nakajima: What's making you worry right now?
Sho: The fact that I'm the one who's wearing this shirt.
Written: Mannequin Sho's Point: Lost Confidence
Nakajima: Here's Mannequin Aiba's summer games shirt!

Nakajima: Rolling Stones!
Aiba: Mick Jagger! I love vintage clothes. I saw a lot of vintage Bob Marley clothes but I thought I'd go with Mick Jagger. I like the size too.
Everyone: The size is good.
Aiba: This is vintage though. When it comes to shirts, I get really concerned about the material used and the size.
Nakajima: How about the neckline?
Aiba: That also. I usually make the neckline wider especially when the shirt is new.
Nakajima: How about that shirt's color?
Aiba: Since I only get to wear just a piece, having a variety of colors is better, I think. If the person likes Rolling Stones, her eyes will rest on this design. However, I think I'd be dead meat if she discovers that I'm wearing this shirt even though I don't know Rolling Stones that well.

Everyone: It's cute!
Nakajima: What do you think is the focal point of this shirt?
Nino: I like this character very much. The Smurfs. I wanna win with this shirt.
Sho: Smurf love right?
Nino: Yeah, Smurf love!
Matsushima: It's a bit of a surprise!
Sho: It's cute!
Nino: I like pictures and drawings. I'm gonna win! It's Smurf so I'll definitely win!

Everyone: Cool!
Matsushima: You drew it yourself?
Ohno: Nope. This is Barry McGee's. It's an American deisgner's shirt. I love this kind of drawing. I think it fits me.
Nakajima: It's white.
Ohno: Yeah it is but it's easy to figure out.
Sho and Aiba: You mean the drawing right?
Ohno: It's drawn on the underside.
Nino: It's stylish.
Sho: Ohno, why didn't you wear the Nancy shirt today?

Ohno: Coz it's about to get torn.
Sho: He often wears a shirt with "Nancy" written on it. He's been wearing it for 10 years already.
Ohno: Nakaikun gave it to me.
Sho: Is that so?!
Ohno: Oh! It's Nancy!
Nakajima: Next is Jun's summer games shirt!

Nakajima: The point of this shirt is?
Jun: It's raglan.
Matsushima: Raglan...
Jun: I love this style and everyone loves Micheal Jackson right? Coz he's the "King of Pop".
Matsushima: The design's cute.
Sho: It's MJ (Micheal Jackson) to MJ (Matsujun)
Jun: That's right!
Matsushima: But it looks cute!
Nakajima: It does!
Which one did I like best?
Though simple is good, and I like it... I think the one I liked best in this episode was Aiba's. First of all, I like black. Second is, the shirt looked good on him. The shirt ain't too tight, the sleeves weren't too short or too long. Plus vintage is good.
Second one I liked was Ohno's. It would've been perfect if not for the size. I think if it fit him well, it would have looked really good on him. It's just the proportions didn't work for him. It made him look smaller coz the shirt was a wee bit too big.
I didn't like... Sho's?! I liked the design, I liked what the design meant. I love statement shirts like Sho's and Nino's but it all boils down to proportions I guess. The shirt was too small for him. The sleeves looked like they were flying! Shirts look good if they fit. That's the hardest part of choosing a shirt, I guess. Unlike wearing several pieces of clothes. Layered clothes hide proportions. Like awkwardly short sleeves can be hidden under jackets or sweatshirts.
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