[ENG SUB] ANS 20120811- Arashi Gone Bad


Guest: Ren Osugi

Arashi learns how to act as bad guys from Japan's most notorious antagonists.
In this episode, each member of Arashi creates a bad guy name for himself:

Ohno Satoshi a.k.a SHARKSIN SATOSHI
Sakurai Sho a.k.a ZERO KINDNESS
Aiba Masaki a.k.a THE STRIPPER
Ninomiya Kaunari a.k.a ONE-WOLF KAZU
Matsumoto Jun a.k.a THE RUMMAGER

Here's what happens when these 5 guys become bad guys... 

Thanks to my sources. ^_^


 ----THE END----

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you keep subbing AniS.
Thanks ^.^v