Before things even get busier

Tonight, I have two big things to do. So everything other than those two things will have to wait... Even this, my addiction. But I just squeezed this quick post just so I have one post tonight. Coz as part of my promise, I'll update this blog at least once a day.

So this post is about my banner. It's simple but I'd have to say that picture is my favorite among Arashi's pictures.

And I wrote the kanji myself so I'm pretty proud of it. lol. Even thought it isn't even near perfect. but I love it. ^^,

That's it for tonight's post. I hope I can go back here later and add some more important things.

O yeah, Sho's going to the states to promote his movie. I am sooooo envious of all the fans there. ^*^... I hope they come and visit the Philippines too. There are a lot of nice beaches here!! ^^, Aiba can play unlimited golf here.^^, (He's rich. He can pay for that.)...

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